We design every aspect of a space with an attractive and unique feel

Completed Projects
Qualified Engineers
Work Facilities
Worldwide Branches
We cover a broad spectrum of design & architectural projects
This selection of projects provides an insight into the diverse range of projects
that have both challenged and excited us in equal measure.

Design for
a House


Project of

Research and


Design for
a House
We provide design, renovations, build, and construction
We provide personalized service to our clients through the committed efforts of our experienced professional staff,
our skilled and integrated group of contractors and designers, each sharing a common goal, to achieve client satisfaction.
Knowledge and creativity of the design
Construction team members to refine the design
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Working as a team
Construction team members to refine the design
Laborum non occaecat aliquip officia et pariatur irure reprehenderit fugiat lorem magna aliqua proident. Labore ut ipsum commodo in proident eiusmod ut fugiat cillum velit est. Incididunt incididunt exte quis ad in esse labore. Anim tempor pariatur culpa et aliquip qui do proident eiusmod incididunt quis pariatur ea proident. Eiusmod esse aute cupidatat ad Lorem qui aute veniam deserunt laboris.
We perform post-construction
Construction team members to refine the design
Laborum non occaecat aliquip officia et pariatur irure reprehenderit fugiat lorem magna aliqua proident. Labore ut ipsum commodo in proident eiusmod ut fugiat cillum velit est. Incididunt incididunt exte quis ad in esse labore. Anim tempor pariatur culpa et aliquip qui do proident eiusmod incididunt quis pariatur ea proident. Eiusmod esse aute cupidatat ad Lorem qui aute veniam deserunt laboris.
A well organised team results
in a successful project
With a dynamic, inspiring and innovative studio environment, we deliver creative, beautiful and functional design solutions for each project.

Eloise Smith
Engineer and Project Architect

Thomas Smith
Engineer and Project Architect

Ernest Smith
Engineer and Project Architect

Eloise Smith
Engineer and Project Architect
We are ready to start your project
Bauer offers a flexible pay-as-you-go architectural and interior design service, offering a tailored approach to complement your vision for your home improvement project. Call us for a chat to find out how.
We're here to help you get started in the right direction with your project.
Free handyman quote
After we get some information from you, we’ll set up a time to discuss your project in further detail.
How to contact us
If you’ve got questions or ideas you would like to share, send a
message. For anything more specific, please use one of our addresses.